Lighting Equipment: Why Invest in Lighting Equipment & What to Buy

Sound and Communications LLC
2 min readAug 19, 2021


Understanding that light is an important component of the outcome of your photographs is critical whether you are a hobbyist or a professional. Adding more light may be as simple as opening a window, using a lamp from your living room, or purchasing professional lighting equipment.

Professional Lighting Equipment and Installation in Mississippi

It can be difficult to choose which photography and lighting equipment is ideal to use and perhaps invest in for your business. To make things easier, ask yourself, what is the objective of your use of artificial lighting? This can help me decide which lighting kit to buy.

Kits for Continuous Lighting:

Continuous illumination is most beneficial in product and still-life photography and videography. This sort of lighting has the significant advantage of allowing you to see how your light will appear in your photograph before you begin shooting, making it easier to alter your lighting rapidly.

This form of lighting is ideal for beginners since it allows you to adjust your light more manually and is less expensive than other lighting kit models.

Continuous lighting bulbs are majorly classified into three types: fluorescent, tungsten, and LED. They offer excellent outcomes, so deciding which to employ is primarily a question of personal choice.

Lighting Kits for Speedlights:

Speedlights are external flash units that may be used to spread light with umbrellas and soft-boxes. They are quicker than standard flashes and may be used in a variety of ways. Speedlights are best used for stills, product pictures, and action shots at weddings and athletic events.

Speedlights are incredibly lightweight and portable, making them excellent choices for short yet effective on-the-go studio setups.

Kits for Monolight Strobe Lighting:

Monolights are self-contained strobe devices that come complete with power supplies, reflectors, and supports.

The major benefit of monolights is that they do not require an additional power supply because everything is contained within the lamp’s head. Each strobe monolight should be 150+ watts in order to adequately illuminate your subjects.

They are frequently used for model and product photography, and they usually come with a continuous illumination option, which adds to their attractiveness.

Although there are several methods to employ artificial lighting and a plethora of beginner and advanced-level kits available for you to explore and purchase, the starter kits described in this article should set you well on your way to generating great studio photos in your home or on-the-go studio.

Get more significant information on lighting from the pros at Sound & Communications.



Sound and Communications LLC

Founded in 1955, Sound and Communications is a commercial audio-visual company located in Flowood, MS.